By Alex Monahan
2021-08-15 (Yes, this is the one date format to rule them all)
Twitter @__alexmonahan__
The views I express are my own and not my employer’s.
Welcome to my first blog post! I welcome any and all feedback over on Twitter - I’d love to learn from all of you!
There has been some spirited debate over SQL on Tech Twitter in the last few weeks. I am a huge fan of open discussions like this, and I consistently learn something when reading multiple viewpoints. It’s my hope to contribute to a friendly and productive dialog with fellow data folks! Let’s focus on a few positives from each perspective.
Here, Jamie Brandon makes some excellent points about SQL’s weaknesses. The points I agree with the most are related to SQL’s incompressibility. The way I encounter this most frequently is that it is difficult to execute queries on a dynamic list of columns purely in SQL. I also wish that it was easier to modularize code into functions in more powerful way, although there are some ways of doing so. Imagine a repository of SQL helper functions you could import! If only it were possible. If it is, please let me know on Twitter!
Pedram Navid responded to those points in an indirect way that I also found to be very impactful and thought provoking. Pedram focused on the organizational impacts of choosing to move away from SQL. I agree with Pedram that SQL is a tremendous data democratization tool and that it is important that SQL folks and other programming language folks work as a team. He also makes the case that SQL is often good enough, and I would go a step further and say there are many cases where SQL is a very expressive way to request and manipulate data! The cases where SQL is most useful are very accessible and can really empower people where data is just a portion of their job. SQL is the easiest to learn superpower as a data person!
Pedram also cites dbt as a powerful way to address some of SQL’s rough edges. I would like to take that line of thinking a step further here: How can we mix and match Python and SQL to get the best of both?
Before mixing and matching, why would we want to use SQL in the first place? While I agree with Jamie that it is imperfect, it has many redeeming qualities! Toss any others I’ve forgotten on Twitter!
DuckDB is best summarized as the SQLite of analytics. In under 10ms, you can spin up your own in-process database that is 20x faster than SQLite, and in most cases faster than Pandas!
Besides the speed, why do I love DuckDB?
MIT licensed
#I use Anaconda, so Pandas, and SQLAlchemy are already installed. Otherwise pip install those to start with
# !pip install pandas
# !pip install sqlalchemy
!pip install duckdb==0.2.8
#This is a SQLalchemy driver for DuckDB. It powers the ipython-sql library below
#Thank you to the core developer of duckdb_engine, Elliana May!
#She rapidly added a feature and squashed a bug so that it works better with ipython-sql!
!pip install duckdb_engine==0.1.8rc4
#This allows for the %%sql magic in Jupyter to build SQL language cells!
!pip install ipython-sql
import duckdb
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
#no need to import duckdb_engine - SQLAlchemy will auto-detect the driver needed based on your connection string!
This analysis is inspired by this DuckDB intro article by Uwe Korn and can be downloaded here. Note that DuckDB can handle much larger datasets - this is only an example!
First we load the ipython-sql extension and default our output to be in Pandas DF format. We will also simplify what is printed after each SQL statement.
Next, we connect to an in-memory DuckDB and set it to use all our available CPU horsepower!
%load_ext sql
%config SqlMagic.autopandas=True
%config = False
%config SqlMagic.displaycon = False
%sql duckdb:///:memory:
%sql pragma threads=16
Check out this super clean syntax for directly querying a CSV file! As a note, we could have also used pandas.read_csv and then queried the resulting DataFrame. DuckDB’s csv reader allows us to skip a step!
create table taxis as
SELECT * FROM 'yellow_tripdata_2016-01.csv';
Count | |
0 | 10906858 |
(the csv was loaded into RAM prior to timing so it may take an extra few seconds in both cases if you weren’t already working with that file)
Now let’s take a quick sample of our dataset and load it into a Pandas DF.
FROM taxis
VendorID | tpep_pickup_datetime | tpep_dropoff_datetime | passenger_count | trip_distance | pickup_longitude | pickup_latitude | RatecodeID | store_and_fwd_flag | dropoff_longitude | dropoff_latitude | payment_type | fare_amount | extra | mta_tax | tip_amount | tolls_amount | improvement_surcharge | total_amount | |
0 | 2 | 2016-01-29 17:59:21 | 2016-01-29 18:17:50 | 2 | 2.36 | -73.990707 | 40.756535 | 1 | N | -73.991417 | 40.735207 | 1 | 13.0 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 2.96 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 17.76 |
1 | 2 | 2016-01-06 20:46:10 | 2016-01-06 20:49:45 | 1 | 0.66 | -73.983322 | 40.750511 | 1 | N | -73.994217 | 40.755001 | 1 | 4.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 1.00 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 6.80 |
2 | 1 | 2016-01-09 13:23:12 | 2016-01-09 13:29:04 | 1 | 0.50 | -73.994179 | 40.751106 | 1 | N | -73.985992 | 40.750496 | 2 | 5.5 | 0.0 | 0.5 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 6.30 |
3 | 2 | 2016-01-28 09:57:02 | 2016-01-28 10:04:10 | 2 | 3.22 | -73.989326 | 40.742462 | 1 | N | -74.002136 | 40.709290 | 1 | 11.0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.50 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 13.30 |
4 | 2 | 2016-01-18 20:45:15 | 2016-01-18 21:06:36 | 1 | 13.80 | -74.012917 | 40.706169 | 1 | N | -73.939781 | 40.852749 | 1 | 37.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 3.80 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 42.60 |
As you can see below, DuckDB did a great job auto-detecting our column types. One more traditional DB hassle eliminated!
%sql describe taxis
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | |
0 | VendorID | INTEGER | YES | None | None | None |
1 | tpep_pickup_datetime | TIMESTAMP | YES | None | None | None |
2 | tpep_dropoff_datetime | TIMESTAMP | YES | None | None | None |
3 | passenger_count | INTEGER | YES | None | None | None |
4 | trip_distance | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
5 | pickup_longitude | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
6 | pickup_latitude | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
7 | RatecodeID | INTEGER | YES | None | None | None |
8 | store_and_fwd_flag | VARCHAR | YES | None | None | None |
9 | dropoff_longitude | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
10 | dropoff_latitude | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
11 | payment_type | INTEGER | YES | None | None | None |
12 | fare_amount | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
13 | extra | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
14 | mta_tax | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
15 | tip_amount | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
16 | tolls_amount | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
17 | improvement_surcharge | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
18 | total_amount | DOUBLE | YES | None | None | None |
First, let’s see how we can pass in a parameter through ipython-sql to better understand how VendorId 1 is behaving. Just for fun, we are going to pass in the entire WHERE clause. Why? It shows that you can build up dynamic SQL statements using Python! It’s not quite as easy to use as a templating language, but just as flexible.
my_where_clause = """
vendorid = 1
,count(*) as count
,avg(fare_amount/total_amount) as average_fare_percentage
,avg(trip_distance) as average_distance
FROM taxis
VendorID | passenger_count | count | average_fare_percentage | average_distance | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 303 | 0.480146 | 3.217492 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 4129971 | 0.787743 | 6.362515 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 689305 | 0.796871 | 5.674639 |
3 | 1 | 3 | 164253 | 0.804641 | 3.126398 |
4 | 1 | 4 | 83817 | 0.819123 | 32.439788 |
5 | 1 | 5 | 2360 | 0.806479 | 3.923771 |
6 | 1 | 6 | 1407 | 0.788484 | 3.875124 |
7 | 1 | 7 | 3 | 0.755823 | 4.800000 |
8 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 0.785628 | 3.710000 |
Next we’ll aggregate our data in DuckDB (which is exceptionally fast for Group By queries), and then pivot the result with Pandas. Pandas is a great fit for pivoting because the column names are not known ahead of time, which would require writing some dynamic SQL. However, DuckDB has a pivot_table function on their roadmap for their Python Relational (read, DataFrame-like) API! This will allow us to pivot larger than memory data and use multiple CPU cores for that pivoting operation.
Note: The more complex the query, the better DuckDB performs relative to Pandas! This is because it can do more work in less passes through the dataset, and because it is using multiple CPU cores.
%%sql aggregated_df <<
--Aggregate up to a weekly level. lpad makes sure week numbers always have 2 digits (Ex: '02' instead of '2')
date_part('year',tpep_pickup_datetime) ||
lpad(cast(date_part('week',tpep_pickup_datetime) as varchar),2,'0') as yyyyww
,count(*) as count
,min(total_amount) as min_amount
,quantile_cont(total_amount,0.1) as _10th_percentile
,quantile_cont(total_amount,0.25) as _25th_percentile
,quantile_cont(total_amount,0.5) as _50th_percentile
,avg(total_amount) as avg_amount
,quantile_cont(total_amount,0.75) as _75th_percentile
,quantile_cont(total_amount,0.9) as _90th_percentile
,max(total_amount) as max_amount
,stddev_pop(total_amount) as std_amount
FROM taxis
date_part('year',tpep_pickup_datetime) ||
lpad(cast(date_part('week',tpep_pickup_datetime) as varchar),2,'0')
Returning data to local variable aggregated_df
yyyyww | passenger_count | count | min_amount | _10th_percentile | _25th_percentile | _50th_percentile | avg_amount | _75th_percentile | _90th_percentile | max_amount | std_amount | |
0 | 201601 | 0 | 129 | -160.46 | 3.000000e-01 | 4.8000 | 10.560 | 21.901163 | 22.5600 | 70.019999 | 278.30 | 45.119609 |
1 | 201601 | 1 | 1814315 | -227.10 | 6.350000e+00 | 8.1800 | 11.160 | 14.909425 | 16.3000 | 26.300000 | 3045.34 | 12.835089 |
2 | 201601 | 2 | 361892 | -100.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.620 | 15.835135 | 17.1600 | 29.300000 | 1297.75 | 14.113061 |
3 | 201601 | 3 | 100336 | -80.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.394737 | 16.6200 | 27.300000 | 1297.75 | 14.566035 |
4 | 201601 | 4 | 47683 | -120.30 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.561985 | 16.8000 | 28.300000 | 889.30 | 13.701526 |
5 | 201601 | 5 | 138636 | -52.80 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.263942 | 16.6200 | 27.960000 | 303.84 | 12.353158 |
6 | 201601 | 6 | 85993 | -52.80 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.1900 | 11.160 | 14.889752 | 16.3000 | 26.300000 | 170.50 | 11.906014 |
7 | 201601 | 7 | 6 | 70.80 | 7.330000e+01 | 76.3675 | 83.685 | 82.648333 | 90.5450 | 90.960000 | 90.96 | 8.069036 |
8 | 201601 | 8 | 4 | 8.30 | 8.690000e+00 | 9.2750 | 9.805 | 36.630000 | 37.1600 | 86.029992 | 118.61 | 47.335385 |
9 | 201601 | 9 | 1 | 11.80 | 1.180000e+01 | 11.8000 | 11.800 | 11.800000 | 11.8000 | 11.800000 | 11.80 | 0.000000 |
10 | 201602 | 0 | 137 | -10.10 | 3.000000e-01 | 6.3500 | 13.390 | 24.970073 | 35.3000 | 70.513999 | 148.01 | 30.159674 |
11 | 201602 | 1 | 1911279 | -150.30 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.160333 | 16.5500 | 27.300000 | 1297.75 | 13.008159 |
12 | 201602 | 2 | 383117 | -200.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.750 | 15.868765 | 17.1600 | 29.300000 | 1154.84 | 14.086363 |
13 | 201602 | 3 | 107589 | -52.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.317193 | 16.8000 | 27.300000 | 472.94 | 12.881864 |
14 | 201602 | 4 | 50919 | -958.40 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.412864 | 16.8000 | 27.950000 | 958.40 | 14.208739 |
15 | 201602 | 5 | 147897 | -54.80 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.380488 | 16.8000 | 28.340000 | 240.80 | 12.517914 |
16 | 201602 | 6 | 91826 | -52.80 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 15.058432 | 16.5600 | 27.300000 | 200.00 | 12.108098 |
17 | 201602 | 7 | 2 | 8.10 | 8.365000e+00 | 8.7625 | 9.425 | 9.425000 | 10.0875 | 10.485000 | 10.75 | 1.325000 |
18 | 201602 | 8 | 6 | 5.80 | 7.050000e+00 | 8.7250 | 10.100 | 36.156667 | 63.1500 | 91.319997 | 101.84 | 39.502676 |
19 | 201602 | 9 | 6 | -9.60 | 1.430511e-07 | 9.7250 | 11.360 | 36.283333 | 57.2825 | 97.489994 | 122.81 | 46.255662 |
20 | 201603 | 0 | 110 | 0.00 | 3.000000e-01 | 0.9275 | 11.460 | 30.601818 | 53.1750 | 90.259985 | 282.30 | 42.165426 |
21 | 201603 | 1 | 1526446 | -200.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.5000 | 11.760 | 15.951602 | 17.3000 | 29.000000 | 8008.80 | 16.090206 |
22 | 201603 | 2 | 281137 | -75.30 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.7600 | 12.250 | 16.938134 | 18.3000 | 32.800000 | 725.30 | 15.298718 |
23 | 201603 | 3 | 76414 | -75.84 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.7600 | 11.800 | 16.356485 | 17.7600 | 29.800000 | 1137.85 | 15.731051 |
24 | 201603 | 4 | 35166 | -73.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.7600 | 11.800 | 16.261706 | 17.7600 | 30.800000 | 459.79 | 14.083521 |
25 | 201603 | 5 | 117191 | -52.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.7600 | 11.800 | 16.123766 | 17.7600 | 30.300000 | 271.30 | 13.284821 |
26 | 201603 | 6 | 70617 | -52.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.5000 | 11.760 | 15.869602 | 17.3000 | 29.300000 | 326.84 | 12.932498 |
27 | 201603 | 7 | 5 | 7.60 | 7.788000e+00 | 8.0700 | 8.100 | 29.332000 | 46.5900 | 64.415997 | 76.30 | 27.853121 |
28 | 201603 | 8 | 5 | 8.80 | 9.120000e+00 | 9.6000 | 80.800 | 58.760000 | 95.3000 | 97.700000 | 99.30 | 40.931973 |
29 | 201603 | 9 | 3 | 10.10 | 1.164000e+01 | 13.9500 | 17.800 | 42.233333 | 58.3000 | 82.599996 | 98.80 | 40.122008 |
30 | 201604 | 0 | 80 | -0.80 | 3.000000e-01 | 1.1750 | 17.945 | 33.452375 | 62.7625 | 80.300000 | 132.80 | 33.498167 |
31 | 201604 | 1 | 1622846 | -440.34 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.7600 | 12.300 | 16.211807 | 18.3000 | 29.160000 | 111271.65 | 88.344714 |
32 | 201604 | 2 | 323779 | -234.80 | 6.950000e+00 | 8.8000 | 12.360 | 16.718532 | 18.8000 | 30.950000 | 795.84 | 13.931410 |
33 | 201604 | 3 | 89060 | -52.80 | 6.850000e+00 | 8.8000 | 12.300 | 16.218767 | 18.3000 | 29.160000 | 724.82 | 13.392155 |
34 | 201604 | 4 | 41461 | -52.80 | 6.890000e+00 | 8.8000 | 12.300 | 16.079813 | 18.3000 | 28.800000 | 249.35 | 12.625694 |
35 | 201604 | 5 | 126134 | -52.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.8000 | 12.300 | 16.341509 | 18.3600 | 30.290000 | 259.80 | 12.791541 |
36 | 201604 | 6 | 77699 | -52.80 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.8000 | 12.300 | 16.129398 | 18.3000 | 29.750000 | 177.46 | 12.564739 |
37 | 201604 | 7 | 5 | 8.10 | 9.460000e+00 | 11.5000 | 18.170 | 37.074000 | 70.0000 | 74.559999 | 77.60 | 30.256773 |
38 | 201604 | 8 | 5 | 10.38 | 1.046800e+01 | 10.6000 | 80.800 | 60.596000 | 98.8400 | 100.952000 | 102.36 | 41.560278 |
39 | 201604 | 9 | 5 | 10.80 | 4.360000e+01 | 92.8000 | 97.800 | 82.100000 | 100.3000 | 105.399999 | 108.80 | 36.024436 |
40 | 201653 | 0 | 64 | -7.80 | 3.000000e-01 | 1.1425 | 11.775 | 24.791719 | 34.7250 | 73.869993 | 107.30 | 29.413893 |
41 | 201653 | 1 | 852098 | -300.80 | 6.300000e+00 | 7.8000 | 10.800 | 15.229454 | 16.5600 | 29.120000 | 1003.38 | 13.651999 |
42 | 201653 | 2 | 212052 | -258.20 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 16.580428 | 17.7600 | 34.240000 | 1004.94 | 15.547422 |
43 | 201653 | 3 | 63032 | -75.30 | 6.360000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.300 | 16.141369 | 17.3000 | 31.340000 | 998.30 | 15.105769 |
44 | 201653 | 4 | 35412 | -100.30 | 6.800000e+00 | 8.3000 | 11.400 | 16.463965 | 17.3000 | 32.195966 | 656.15 | 15.957624 |
45 | 201653 | 5 | 71221 | -21.30 | 6.300000e+00 | 8.1600 | 11.160 | 15.816108 | 17.1600 | 32.300000 | 469.30 | 13.725301 |
46 | 201653 | 6 | 43020 | -52.80 | 6.300000e+00 | 7.8800 | 11.000 | 15.358045 | 16.6400 | 30.300000 | 148.34 | 13.060431 |
47 | 201653 | 7 | 4 | 8.20 | 8.665000e+00 | 9.3625 | 40.025 | 45.147500 | 75.8100 | 85.727998 | 92.34 | 37.006354 |
48 | 201653 | 8 | 6 | 9.60 | 4.495000e+01 | 80.4250 | 80.800 | 77.088333 | 84.5800 | 105.514995 | 125.19 | 34.114769 |
49 | 201653 | 9 | 8 | 5.80 | 7.025000e+00 | 7.7375 | 8.400 | 10.331250 | 12.0125 | 15.004999 | 20.15 | 4.291994 |
pivoted_df = pd.pivot_table(aggregated_df,
_50th_percentile | ||||||||||
passenger_count | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
yyyyww | ||||||||||
201601 | 10.560 | 11.16 | 11.62 | 11.3 | 11.3 | 11.30 | 11.16 | 83.685 | 9.805 | 11.80 |
201602 | 13.390 | 11.30 | 11.75 | 11.3 | 11.3 | 11.30 | 11.30 | 9.425 | 10.100 | 11.36 |
201603 | 11.460 | 11.76 | 12.25 | 11.8 | 11.8 | 11.80 | 11.76 | 8.100 | 80.800 | 17.80 |
201604 | 17.945 | 12.30 | 12.36 | 12.3 | 12.3 | 12.30 | 12.30 | 18.170 | 80.800 | 97.80 |
201653 | 11.775 | 10.80 | 11.30 | 11.3 | 11.4 | 11.16 | 11.00 | 40.025 | 80.800 | 8.40 |
To go from Python to SQL, we have used Python to generate SQL dynamically and have embedded our SQL code nicely alongside Python in our Jupyter Notebook programming environment. We also discussed using DuckDB to read a Pandas DF directly. When moving from SQL to Python, DuckDB can quickly and easily convert SQL results back into Pandas DF’s. Now we can mix and match Python and SQL to our heart’s content!
Thank you for reading! Please hop on Twitter and let me know if any of this was helpful or what I can cover next!